

没几天要投论文的会议就要终止收稿了,还有一半的部分没有写,看来我已经靠到了最后,小宇宙要爆发了,哈哈~ 今天总算把系统的过程、效果图还是抓完图了,接下来抽空编辑好放到论文里,之后就能看图说话,写其他的部分。

上午到杜老师那看到了致远学院的网站效果,提了蛮多意见,呵呵~ 不过formal的感觉还是在的。

3 thoughts on “靠到最后

  1. Taylor

    Not really. Actually I will fly often to US this year especially Chicago and San Francisco. But even though, I dont really care about all this. What I care is freedom and international education background. That’s not far from me. Pls say hi to ur family and to you. And another wish to end your virgin lifetime asap -_-


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