Christmas Eve


This is a day I feel a little lonely. After my volunteer job in Shanghai Museum this afternoon for the annual meeting, I went to the Shanghai Book Mall for a book about OpenInventor alone, I hung around in Nanjing Road alone, dropped by Lillian Cake in Rafflescity and bought four egg tarts in a box alone, walked through maze-like store path under Renmin Square alone, squeezed in crowded subway myself, could not find my favorite  sunflower seeds in Auchan Supermarket alone. Drove back by my bicycle and wrote down all these things.

On the way Museum, I came across one of my students, who was going to meet his future boss in Lujiazui. He got many offers from famous companies and chose the position as Sales in Simens. We talked a lot about what kind of people the HR most like. He is liked by them. Best wishes to him. Yesterday, I also saw one of my students on the stage. He was a member of varsity basketball. This team won the championship in Shanghai student competition. Even I did little to my students of class F0503020, I am still proud of them.

3 thoughts on “Christmas Eve

  1. After the job volunteer in Shanghai Museum for the annual meeting this afternoon, I stayed in the Shanghai Book Mall for a while to try my luck on OpenInventor. Later on with the terrific egg tarts full of my hand from the fabulous Lillian Cake in Rafflescity, I hung around along Najing Rd. and just enjoyed myself as much as I ever could. What an afternoon!

    After Walking through maze-like store path under Renmin Square alone, squeezed by the subway crowded, So much did I wish to grasp a package of sunflower seeds in Auchan Supermarket. Yet, God never please human everything. That is my favorite thing and the only thing. Whatever, I was already provided such a wonderful afternoon. How come do I expect so much?! Then I went home and told mu dear friend sina blog.



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